Are you curious about collage? Do you enjoy a good piece of assemblage art? Ever want to know more about an artist or technique? Let me help!!
In the world of #collage and #assemblage there are a few ways to learn about new artists and the art they make. If you are a collage artist, the community is stellar; there are always ways to get involved with it through challenges and events.
But this information can be hard to find if you are not already immersed in the medium. This compilation of resources is no doubt a small portion of those available, but it may help regardless.
In this blog I will list resources that fall into the following categories:
There are a number of great books that have been written about collage techniques, artists and the history of collage. Here are some of what I consider to be the most important contemporary books right now on the topic.

Given that the entire planet is still reeling from the pandemic and the everyday anxiety caused by the effect of our billion plus population on healthcare, food and shelter security and international relations this first book was chosen. 'Collage Care: Transforming Emotions and Life Experiences with Collage' ,available here by author Laurie Kanyer is a book that examines how to use collage as a form of self-care. The author has also written another book entitled 'Collage Care: The Method' which can be found at the same link.
'Black Collagists' by author Teri Henderson and Kanyer Publishing highlights the often overlooked work of contemporary Black artists working in collage. This book was well needed to have a full understanding of the contemporary history of collage and the contribution of Black artists to that history. It can be purchased here.
'Artful Memories', by Jack Ravi and Jane Chipp is a book which helps collagists who aim to use photography in their collages do so in a meaningful way. As printed photographs are becoming less common, creating treasures from them becomes more desirable. This book can help you create something to immortalize family members, or to simply reuse that stash of faces from forgotten folks nobody knows. It is available here.
'Collage Saves the World', by Kolaj Institute is a publication for those interested in the history of collage and how it can be used to document and process complex political and social themes. The book shares the work of 12 artists, each tackling a complex issue through collage with dialogue from each about the work. It can be purchased here.
'Mending Fences: The Culture of Repair in Art and History' is another publication from Kasini House which explores how collage and the process of mending in art can be used a metaphor for social change. It includes a number of essays studying the topic and can be found here.
Do you have a favorite book that should be shared? Let me know in the comments.
Maybe you prefer some lighter reading material or snapshots of work in progress and artist highlights. Magazines offer some of those things in short bursts.

'Kolaj Magazine' is a quarterly printed magazine reviewing and surveying contemporary collage. It has a large online directory of artists and pulls from this directory to highlight living artists working all over the world. There are a number of editions of the magazine available to browse at the gallery. Cuts and Paste Gallery is featured in Issue #38. Find out more here.
'Contemporary Collage Magazine' is a UK based digital magazine that can be purchased and available for PDF download. They have regular calls for submission to the magazine and feature articles covering historical collage movements and figures, contemporary artist features and challenges. I wrote about the contribution of artist Mary Delaney for Issue #8. Find more information or subscribe here.
'Oltre Paper Collage Fanzine' is an Italian based magazine or 'fanzine'. It collects works from various artists and presents it within the magazine. It can be found here.
Included in this section are instagram accounts which may be of interest and websites that contain an avalanche of information about or for collagists and assemblage artists.
If you don't mind receiving a newsletter every week to meet a new collage artist through in depth reviews, then is for you. Or you can find them on instagram @revucolle to see past artist highlights.
Author of one the books listed above and avid collectors of collage, husband and wife team Doug and Laurie Kanyer can be found at They have been exclusively collecting collage since 1978 with the intent to donate many of the works to a local to them museum. But largely, the collection is an ever growing story of collage that can be shared for years to come.
If you are interested specifically in Canadian collage or are an artist living and working in Canada, visit the Canadian Collage Collective directory of artists. It is an ever growing list, available to artists who which to be added for free, of those who work in collage and assemblage in Canada.
Mentioned a few time already, is the location of Kolaj Magazine, publications from Kasini House and Kasini Institute and features a robust resources page as well.
A few instagram accounts come to mind, but I have limited by recommendations to these five accounts as many more can be found in the next section; Collectives.
@collagewave founded by @canson_city offers up collage regularly from artists worldwide and also is responsible for the offering online learning in the history, learning and research of collage.
@mini.collage.collective shares the most wonderful mini collages daily and is curated by the wonderful @sarah.snip.snip
@thecurve_berlin is a nomadic gallery in Berlin, Germany that has promoted contemporary collage since 2017. Valerie von Meiss is the founder.
@vayocollagegallery is another gallery hosting exhibitions and exchanges in collage curated by @celia_crane located in Lyons, NY, USA
@paste_table_gallery_collage is a gallery that turns up every now and then around London and is dedicated to the analogue form of collage curated by Nick Cash @ca3hin
Many of these collectives are active in challenges and exchanges and some host huge yearly events you may want to take part in or check out to find your next favorite artist.
Local to the gallery, located in Halifax, NS, Canada is the Halifax Collage Collective, who regularly host Collage Nights all around town for those wanting to meet in groups and collage all evening! Find them on instagram @halifaxcollagecollective
Another set of Canadian collectives are location based as well. Both the Quebec Collage Collective and the Prairie Collage Collective can both also be found on instagram at @quebeccollage and @prairiecollagecollective respectively. Both are quite active and offer challenges and prompts, with the Quebec Collage Collective regularly hosting exhibitions of collage in and around Montreal.
Have you heard of Februllage before? Check out the event held each February by the Edinburgh Collage Collective and the Scandinavian Collage Museum that offers daily prompts for the month and often sees thousands of participants which are highlighted on instagram by using the tag #februllage. Both groups can be found on instagram.
The Paris Collage Collective is also an active group that offers a weekly challenge that can be found by following them on instagram @pariscollagecollective or looking for #pariscollagecollective.
Take your collage love to the next level by attending Kolaj Fest held in New Orleans from 12-16 of June in 2024 where collage artists and enthusiasts come together to create a discuss how to elevate the status of collage.
Celebrate World Collage Day this year in May! Typically it will be announced by Kolaj Magazine in the New Year and often falls in the second week of May.
It is my hope that this resource list promotes the love for collage and a continued interest in the medium and the community. If you feel I missed something important, let me know!
Now, back to Cuts and Paste!